CEO cords have been presented to each senior, the last business tour and guest speaker visits have taken place, the final emails have been sent, business plans have been submitted, the last thank you notes written, and the final CEO class session of the year is now over. But this isn't "goodbye," it's "see you later," because YOUR JOURNEY DOESN'T END HERE.

TO THE FIRST KANKAKEE COUNTY CEO CLASS: Remember that you have a thriving, generous community here in Kankakee County who has shown you a tremendous amount of support. Rely on your network as you move into this next phase of your life, and we hope to see you give back to your home community in the future. Take to heart the words of Craig Lindvahl, “Who will be better because of what I’m doing today?” and remember the message from our CEO board president, John M. Keigher, “It’s not win or lose, it’s win or learn.”

Thank you for a great year!


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