Kankakee County CEO students recently had the opportunity to visit A.N. Webber, Inc., a respected family company with a rich history dating back to 1947. Matthew Schore, Vice President of Sales and Business Development, welcomed the Kankakee County CEO class and hosted the tour. Schore, who also serves as a mentor for the Kankakee County CEO program, gave the CEO team a comprehensive overview of the company's operations and its commitment to providing top-notch transportation services. Schore shared insights into the company's history, as well as foundational information about logistics, the supply chain, and the array of services offered to their clients across the United States.

During the visit, students had the privilege of touring the facility, where they observed firsthand how A.N. Webber seamlessly integrates office, warehouse, and employee spaces. James Bretzlaff, a CEO student, shared, "It was cool to see how they [A.N. Webber] combined offices and warehouse space, which included comfortable space for their employees/drivers to rest and relax. You don't see that all the time."

The visit not only provided valuable insights into the transportation industry but also underscored A.N. Webber's dedication to employee well-being and community engagement. The CEO team observed numerous instances of A.N. Webber's commitment to its employees, including various forms of employee recognition and gestures of appreciation for veterans, many of whom are among the company's workforce.

We extend our sincere appreciation to everyone at A.N. Webber for investing in the Kankakee County CEO program, and for taking the time to give the CEO team a tour this morning!


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